Monday, April 2, 2012

Lord,even if somebodies dies

Is this love or a punisment?,
My heart,tell me
Why doesnt the chain of events causing pain comes comes to an end
What sort of tests does love take
What sort of tales does love write

Lord,even if somebodies dies,
My lover should not be affected by it

How is the journey towards the destination of faithfullness!
There is no dolution to the difficulties of heart
In everybodys heartbeat there is distress
The bond has broken in everybodys breath

Some people have prayers on their lips each moment
While others have their world ruined in love

Nobody listens to the whining sighs
Nobody holds squirming arms
Desires havent been completely fulfilled
All requests have been broken

Some have doubts while others have made a wall of hatred between them
Some have loss even in their wins

Dont ask the people in pain 
There is no happiness
There is a problem everytime
Of some type or the other

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